Friday July 2, 2021
Aboriginal people now have access to a culturally-safe clinic at Geelong’s new Aboriginal Vaccination Clinic which launched at the beginning of June.
The clinic is a collaboration between Barwon Health’s Public Health Unit, the Aboriginal Health Unit and the Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative as part of an extended rollout of COVID-19 vaccination.
Registered Aboriginal Health Practitioner, James Jose, said the clinic was a culturally-safe space for Aboriginal people in the area to receive their vaccination.
“Aboriginal people need a safe way to access vaccination centres, as the large sites can be an overwhelming experience,” James said.
“This isn’t a case of ‘one size fits all’, as the most vulnerable members of community don’t always make it to the front of the queue. It has been great to have familiar Aboriginal Health Practitioners present to support and vaccinate people who might not otherwise come in.”
James said the clinic was an innovative partnership between Barwon Health and Wathaurong Aboriginal Cooperative.